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LUCRE is an automated algorithmic trading system based on statistical analysis of data from the last 5 years (for BTCUSD). Automatic trading, makes it possible to set special rules for both trade entries and exits which, after being programmed, can be automatically executed via a computer. After the rules are set, the algorithm monitors the market to find buying or selling opportunities based on the specifications of the trading strategy. Depending on the specific rules, immediately after the trade is entered, each order to stop the protective stop, stop trailing and the profit target will be automatically generated. In fast-moving markets, this instant order entry can mean the difference between small losses and catastrophic losses if trading moves against traders. There is a long list of advantages for having computers monitor the market for trading opportunities and executing trades. Some advantages are listed below:
Minimize Emotions - Automatic trading systems minimize emotions during the trading process. Because trading orders are executed automatically after the trading rules have been fulfilled, the trader will not be able to doubt or question the trade. In addition to helping traders who are afraid to "pull the trigger", automated trading can curb those who tend to overtrade - buy and sell at every opportunity perceived.
Ability to Backtest - Backtesting applies trading rules to historical market data to determine the continuity of the idea. Careful backtesting makes it possible to evaluate and refine trading ideas, and to determine system expectations - the average amount that traders can expect to win (or lose) per unit of risk.
Preserve Discipline - Because trade rules are established and trade execution is carried out automatically, discipline is maintained even in turbulent markets.
Achieve Consistency - One of the biggest challenges in trade is planning trade and trading plans. Even if the trading plan has a potential profit, traders who ignore the rules change whatever expectations the system will have.
Improved Order Entry Speed ​​- Because the computer responds immediately to changes in market conditions, the automated system is able to produce orders as soon as the trading criteria are met. Entering or exiting from a trade a few seconds before can make a big difference in trading results. Once the position is entered, all other orders are automatically generated, including protective stop loss and profit targets.

Marketing Relations And Participants
The LUCRE team will invest significant time and effort in marketing marketing Tok Token, targeting participants in the traditional financial sector, through production of information sheets, explanatory videos and planning documents that are easy to understand. LUCRE will focus on marketing exclusively on unregulated markets. No promotion or invitation will be held where participation is prohibited or is likely to be prohibited in the near future in order to remain in accordance with local law.

Token Info
Image result for lucre bounty

December 31, 2017
Your FX trading company has been created.
The first Algo transaction is made for major currency pairs.
Forex trading is open to customers
Early research and development for cryptothermines
June 30, 2018
Smart contract development
Smart contract and dashboard development
September 30, 2018
Participants in the "White List"; Run a gift program.
December 31, 2018
Pre-Token Sales
Launch the LCR Token Sales Event
June 30, 2019
Open to stock exchanges
Increased end of Algo trading
December 31, 2019
Automatic routing service starts (beta)
March 31, 2020
The latest version of the version

For further Information Visit the following sites:

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