terawatt review

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The world's first light bulb was invented by a Russian engineer, inventor A.N. Lodygin in 1874. Since then, this household thing has become the norm of life, slightly modified. The world's first light bulb was invented by a Russian engineer, inventor A.N. Lodygin in 1874. Since then, this household thing has become the norm of life, slightly modified. 
Now there are many types of lamps: incandescent, fluorescent, LED, xenon and others. But so far the most common are incandescent lamps, and in large rooms use fluorescent as more economical.
But unfortunately all currently used light bulbs have their drawbacks. For example, traditional incandescent bulbs consume a lot of electricity, although their cost is very low. And, accordingly, the widespread use of a significant load on the grid, and accordingly this entailshigh energy costs.
The use of fluorescent lamps is less energy-intensive and they are more durable. But their disposal is a very laborious and non-ecological process due to the use of mercury vapor and otherheavy metals. Accidentally broken lamp will require urgent sanitation of the premises, and dumping of such lamps seriously pollutes the environment. Asimilar problem exists when using different energy-saving lamps.
Recently, LED bulbs have begun to be introduced, which are devoid of these shortcomings. The principle of operation is based on the use of a semiconductor - a diode; by passing current through it, visible light is emitted. Hence the name - "LED lamp". Outwardly, they are structurally very similar to traditional incandescent lamps, only such lamps do not use any inert gases, mercury vapors and other harmful substances. Therefore, when they are damaged, there is no pollution of the room. They are the least energy-intensive, and today, bulbs of sufficient power are already being produced for lighting the premises. Disposal of such lamps can be performed along with the disposal of any office equipment.

Our Mission
This is due to our continuous coin burning algorithm. Terawatt will automatically use 50–75% of company profits earned from DAO entry/exit fees, profit taking fees (like an exchange), time decay fees, carbon tax data storage fees, carbon credits, and even from affiliate L.E.D. sales commissions to buyback and burn (LED) Tokens. This is similar to the BNB token, but they only burn every quarter, we will burn 24/7.
Utilities and other businesses will want to accept our tokens for payments because our rate of deflation is much greater than all FIAT currencies and most, if not all, cryptocurrencies/tokens while also being more private and secure with zk-SNARKS and masternodes when available. Furthermore, the more tokens they have to enter into the DAO fund, the more voting power, profits, and staking rewards they can receive. This will further increase token value due to the network effect. (Metcalfe’s Law)

Token Sale And Ico Details
The Terawatt token will be a standard ERC20 token with some specific modifications. The algorithms will verify that the consumer has actually purchased the bulbs from a suitable seller and add the transaction to the blockchain. Smart contracts will execute and manage the entire process.

Token info
Token LED
Platform Ethereum
Type ERC20
PreICO price ** 1 LED = 0.30 USD**
Price in ICO 1 LED = 0.40 USD
Investment info
Min. investment 0.2 ETH
Accepting ETH
Distributed in ICO 65%
Soft cap 500,000 USD
Hard cap 13,500,000 USD

Project Conception, Whitepaper drafted, Patent Filed
December 2017
Team Building- Acquired CTO, COO, and Advisor
January 2018
Whitepaper/Website, Trademark Granted, Listed on KICKICO
February 2018
Building Presence, Token Presale site under development
June 2018
Private Sale, more development and marketing
July 2018
PreICO, DAO construction
August 2018
ICO, Token launch, wallet release, apply to exchanges
October 2018
DAO testnet, Mobile Wallets, Seek Partnerships
December 2018
DAO mainnet online, Masternode announcement
February 2019
Fully Functional User Interface Released, Mainnet improvements
April 2019
Devcon, Acquire More Partnerships
May 2019
Receipt Verification/Tax Incentive Utility/LED Token Development
July 2019
Expansion of Terawatt’s LED Ecosystem



For information ;
Twitter : https://mobile.twitter.com/terawatt_led

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