
Image result for humancoin bounty

What is Humancoin
Humancoin is the first blockchain project in history that can become a global aggregator of e-Commerce loyalty programs. The association with philanthropy provides a unique profit token in developing a loyalty program with partners that creates strong emotional resonance Instead of competing with existing programs, Humancoin tokens are easily integrated into existing systems - all that is needed is setting conversion rates. General information There is no doubt that there are major changes in the way donations are made, but even for this purpose the charity industry has not been able to overcome its main obstacles.

Donors, many of whom are private companies, have trust issues when they contribute.
Also note that most of the funds are spent on charity.
Operating costs of a transaction are transaction costs.
The Humancoin ID can easily be converted to tokens, miles, bonuses and other coupons. Token holders will be asked to hold them to take advantage of attractive, and this provides long-term, stable demand. Because the number of partners and the scale of cooperation in the Humancoin network grew, the popularity of tokens grew.

How It Works
The platform provides the opportunity to fully track donations online, as well as voting and ranking for projects and philanthropists along with other features.
There is also the option to receive a receipt for each donation to use for tax deduction purposes depending on the donor’s tax jurisdiction.
The future expansion of the project will be financed by the 5%-fee raised from the funds collected for charity projects, which is 4 times lower than the market average. Charitable projects, both private initiatives, and foundations enter the details in the Humancoin platform.
They complete a standard format the initial stage. In the future, Humancoin plans to conduct a forensic audit with the help of specialized financial and legal teams. Contributions can be anonymous or, conversely, if the donor so wishes, can be made public.

Humancoin's unique feature
·        This is the first blockchain project that can become a global e-Commerce loyalty program aggregator
·        The association with philanthropy provides tokens with unique advantages in developing loyalty programs with partners that create strong emotional resonance

Problem : Lack Of Trust
This project wants to change charity work for the better. In particular, he wants to make connections with e-commerce and the cryptographic market, the total cost is 3.5 trillion US dollars.
The technology used in the charity sphere is at a rather low level. People who want to sacrifice can change their minds for reasons such as:
Donors fear that funds will not reach the target in full and full time. Especially because no international organization will officially coordinate and evaluate the work of charitable organizations.
Transboundary transfers can be very complicated, regardless of whether you pay for goods or donate to charity. In some cases, you may find yourself behind the regulatory body for such transfers. This scares most people.
Token distribution
Most people don't understand exactly how their donation will change the intended recipient. So, they postpone donations to charity.

Available Solution.
The Humancoin project will solve this problem by integrating Blockchain technology into three sectors: e-commerce, charity and crypto industry. The annual volume of donations is estimated at US $ 750 billion worldwide, cryptosectora capitalization estimated at $ 300- $ 900 billion. Dollar. B2C e-commerce costs are around 2.3 trillion US dollars.
Thanks to the connection of these three markets, this project will start a new era of charity.
For sales, the number of Humancoin tokens will be fixed. This fund will be used to create the P2P Humancoin platform.
Also, an international network will be created that will support this project. This will require the development of a partnership network and PR-camping launch. After the completion of the sale, all tokens will be transferred to the crypto exchange. After the sale is complete, the platform will receive applications and raise funds for charitable organizations. Donors will be able to choose projects that they can finance.

The Human City Project.

In the charitable aspect, there are several blockbuster projects available, and some of them include, help, cleansing, bcharity, etc. These projects are only in niche or local endeavors that do not work outside the philanthropic industry.
The Humancoin Foundation will be able to integrate the charitable industry, the crypto currency market and e-commerce in one project. 
This type of ecosystem will be able to provide new incentives for donors, offering them the opportunity to take advantage of the many available loyalty programs that exist around the world. 

Features Of Humanitation, Which Differenties It From Other Coins.

• It will be the first block link that has ever been able to become an aggregator of the global e-commerce loyalty program.
• The sign will have a unique advantage in the development of loyalty programs with partners creating a strong emotional resonance due to its association with philanthropy. 
• Instead of competing with other existing programs, the Humancoin token will be integrated effortlessly into an existing system, only an established conversion rate is required.

The main destructive advantage of a human coin is that the project blockchain will for the first time have a project that will have the potential to become a global aggregator of the many loyalty programs that will emerge in the field of e-commerce because of the support that will be received from the charitable industry. 

Sales current
  • 3,055,000,000 ERC20 Humancoins available
  • All unsold tokens will be burned.
  • The price of a single token is $ 0.01.
  • Minimum purchase - 0.1 ETH

  • July 1 - August 15
  • Expected to receive $ 1 million. USA

Sales current
  • September 15 - November 1
  • Softcap - 6 million dollars
  • Hardcap - 26 million dollars

Sales  bonus  for sale 3055000000
  • Presale: 50% bonus - 150,000,000
  • Token Sale Stage 1: 35% bonus - 945 000 000
  • Current sale. Phase 2: 20% Bonus - 960,000,000
  • Token Sale Stage 3: Bonus 0% - 1,000,000,000

Token distribution
  • 3,055 million - For sale
  • 1,000 million - Partnership Development Fund
  • 600 million - Team reward => 50% blocked by smart contract for 6 months. => 50% blocked for 12 months
  • 600 million - advisers and ambassadors
  • 500 Million - Consultant and Exchange
  • 245 million - Bounty program, antenna and direction
The funds raised at Token Sale determine the company's financial strategy and will be used to develop the project in the 4th quarter of 2018-2019. Maintaining the ongoing activities of Humancoin will be funded by a 5% fundraising for a charity project.
Image result for humancoin bounty

Image result for humancoin bounty 

Giles Gailer – Ceo
Kate Bublik – Cmo
Aravinda Babu – Blockchain And Smart Contracts Expert
Nathan Van De Ven – Community And Project Manager
Related image 

This is the first project in the field of e-commerce, which can change the working principle in the loyalty program. Instead of competing with existing models, this platform will instead build partnerships with them.
Humancoin tokens can be converted into points, coupons, miles and bonuses. To do this, business owners don't need to reconfigure their system. All you need is to set the conversion speed.

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