
Showing posts from August, 2018


What is Module? MODULE is a blockchain-based platform designed to utilize the free storage of smartphones, PCs, servers, etc. as an asset. Using the MODULE platform, one will be able to participate in mining even from a smartphone. Servers and enterprises can also participate in mining. Module’s consensus (mining) algorithm makes it possible to earn rewards by lending out storage space. As the storage capacity of devices progresses and expands, one can expect the various services offered to expand. In addition to issuing new original coins, users will also be able to develop Dapps (decentralized applications) on the platform. MODULE employs a new transaction approval algorithm. It is a new technology platform that enables everyone to participate in mining, even from a mobile device. In addition to building DApps, users will also have the ability to issue new currencies on the platform. The Future According to MODULE The MODULE developers have devised a new...